Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI) is a world leading journal dedicated to publishing high quality, rigorously reviewed, original papers in artificial intelligence (AI) research. The journal features work in all subfields of AI research and accepts both theoretical and applied research. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, the following: ? cognitive science ? games ? learning ? knowledge representation ? memory and neural system modelling ? perception ? problem-solvingAll submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Proposals for special issues in cutting-edge areas of AI should be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief. Queries regarding submissions can be made by contacting the Editor-in-Chief, whose decision is final.Cognitive Science and Artificial intelligence researchers, philosophers, psychologists, artificial neural network researchers, artificial life researchers, cognitive ethnologists, computer scientists. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.