時間:2023年02月28日 分類:新聞中心 次數:
【1】He Z, Huang J, Zhou J. Open banking: Credit market competition when borrowers own the data[J]. Journal of Financial Economics, 2023, 147(2): 449-474.
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1、Open banking: Credit market competition when borrowers own the data
Open banking;Data sharing;Banking competition;
Digital economy;Winner?s curse;Privacy
Open banking facilitates data sharing consented to by customers who generate the data, with the regulatory goal of promoting competition between traditional banks and chal-lenger fintech entrants. We study lending market competition when sharing banks' cus-tomer transaction data enables better borrower screening for fintechs. Open banking pro-motes competition if it helps level the playing field for all lenders in screening borrowers; however, if it over-empowers fintechs, it can also hinder competition and leave all borrow-ers worse off. Due to the credit quality inference from borrowers' sign-up decisions, this remains true even if borrowers have the control of whether to share their banking data. We also study extensions with fintech affinities and data sharing on borrower preferences.
2、The value of US government data to US business decisions
The US government is a major producer of economic and financial data, statistics, analysis, and forecasts that are gathered, compiled, and published as public goods for use by citizens, government agencies, researchers, nonprofits, and the business community. There is no market transaction in the publication and dissemination of these government data and therefore no market-determined value. The purpose of this paper is to outline and augment our understanding of the value of government data for business decision-making. We provide an overview of the topic, including results from government reports and a private sector survey. We then provide concrete examples of how these government data are used to make business decisions focusing on three sectors: automotive, energy, and financial services. Examples of new initiatives by the federal government to open access to more data, exploiting technology advances associated with the internet, cloud storage, and software applications, are discussed. With the significant growth in the digital economy, we also include discussion and insights around how digital platform companies utilize government data in conjunction with their privately generated data (or "big data") to foster more informed business decisions.