時間:2023年11月27日 分類:SCI論文百科 次數:
extracted, dissected, homogenized, separated, transfer, purchased, dissolved, chronically exposed, sacrificed, housed, deprived of, handled, placed, recorded, divided into, adopted, determine, performed, loaded, downloaded, diluted, performed, obtained, amplified, fused with, cloned into, employed, construct, described, allows, governs, implemented, split into, carried out, harboring, generate, incorporate
兩物之間關系:compare to/with,depend on, based on, relies on, (strongly) associated with/to, related to
“認為,說明” 的N種描述方式:assume, states, indicated, suggested, demonstrated, considered as
分配描述:respectively, randomly assigned, simultaneously, predominantly, mutually exclusive patterns
動物處置:anesthetized, decapitated
Initially, additionally, in addition, moreover, furthermore, hereafter, therefore, consistently, In practice, to this end, subsequently, briefly, then, finally, accordingly, recently, nevertheless, however, indeed
To address the genetic burdens, to better understand the association, to test for the presence of sample or data, testing and verification of the presence, to overcome this limitation
材料與方法中,經常對實驗對象(病人、動物等)的實驗數據進行評估,非常高頻。“評估” 的常見表示方法有:
obtained, estimated, evaluated, assessed, measured, examined, investigate, explore, test the sensitivity and specificity of variables, identify, quantify, is characterized by
deposited, classified, downloaded, revised, included, removed, normalized, combined, subdivided into, calculated, cross-check, summarized, originated from, described, available, detectable, define, scored, determined, generated with, using, applied with, categorize ... into ..., model, imputed, presented, determined, filtered, processed, background-corrected, normalized to internal controls, quality control, Images were captured, Freshly sorted XX cells, carried out
High confidence, remarkably high, freely available
In all examined samples
in vivo是指的活體內,也就是動物模型。
in vitro是指的離體、體外的意思。
ex vivo, 指的是活體取材,一部分動物實驗完成后取器官,或者指的是體外培養細胞體內的回輸實驗。
in silico,指的是生物分析實驗,用芯片、高通量測序等方法進行生信分析等實驗。
患者知情同意書:participants provided informed consent,Written informed consent
納入患者:patient recruitment
倫理委員會:ethics committee/institutional review board (IRB),Ethics board approval ,Institute Animal Ethics Committee
相關法律法規:relevant guidelines and regulations
為了簡化對實驗方法的描述,精煉文章文字。根據之前文獻描述的描述方法/研究:as previously described, in accordance with, complied with, from previously published studies, deciphered using the framework developed by previously, using previously described expression profiles, for some of the previously published samples, Previously published data in peer-review journals, Following previous work
在材料與方法的最后一部分,往往是對統計方法的描述。常見統計方法 (statistical tests) 的描述:
t-test, χ2 tests, cox regression, Kaplan-Meier method, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, one-way ANOVAs, Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test, Mann-Whitney U tests, linear regression tests, Cox regression, variance (ANOVA) for quantitative features, Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test