時間:2016年05月21日 分類:電子期刊 次數:
Quark Loop Contribution to the Gluon Damping Rate in Hot QCD馬智磊;朱佳慶;史超逸;李云德 (22)
Discussion of Various Susceptibilities within Thermal and Dense Quantum Chromodynamics徐書生;石遠美;楊友昌;崔著鈁;宗紅石 (26)
Sensitivity of Pion versus Parton-Jet Nuclear Modification Factors to the Path-Length Dependence of Jet-Energy Loss at RHIC and LHCBarbara Betz;Miklos Gyulassy (30)
Contribution of Coherent and Incoherent π-Photoproduction Channels to the Spin Asymmetry and the GDH Sum Rule for the DeuteronDarwish Eed M. (35)
Momentum-Dependent Symmetry Potential from Nuclear Collective Flows in Heavy Ion Collisions at Intermediate Energies謝文杰;馮兆慶